Sunday, March 27, 2011

All you need is love & a dog

All you need is love and a dog... or 6
So lets just say it was a fun filled weekend with puppies!!! So our household has three pups as most of you know and we were dog sitting our good friends pup Ollie for the weekend four... so why not add two more? Our friends Kate & Lin's pups joined us last night to hang out for a bit. The dogs were amazing together. I've never seen 6 dogs so calm in a house together. Normally you have a couple romping around being crazy, nope it was awesome. So since they were all being so good, I decided to break out some treats. This is what happened. All 6 of them came up to get a treat, I asked them to sit and all 6 sat. Was the best thing ever! Awww such good babies. Took all six out on the trail today... stay tuned for pic's from that adventure! 

Meet the pups: 
We have... Mya, Ollie, Casper, Dixie, Barley, and Sweetwater :) 
Oh and that's me in the green. 


  1. haha. that is the sweetest picture!

    happy that my granddogs made it on to your blog:)

  2. Erin is the new dog whisperer:)
