Monday, January 31, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day #2 - Snow puppies

So if you haven't realized, I love photographing animals. Sweetwater is of course, my biggest model, I mean... she's my kid. But, I love photographing other pups/animals too. Watching our neighbors pup, Skipper, for a week and as you can see he's become part of the family and getting used to me with a camera attached to my face. These are just some snap shots, but if your ever interested in some professional shots of your furry friends, contact me for rates and details. Would love to get to know you and your pets!

Sweetwater & Skipper

They love the snow! 

Hi Mom! 

I'm a natural in front of the camera :)

He holds his own in all this snow. Pouncing' around out there. 

So freakin' cute! 

Skipper getting used to my camera in his face

Jan 27th- Photo of the Day

Snow Day #2 - Enjoying the view on her puppy sleeping bag! That ground is cold!
And... loves when her mommy works from home. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jan 24th- Photo of the day

Nothin' like hiking in 16 degree weather 
Sweets, Dixie & Skipper

16 degrees

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"If Walls Could Talk: Art Show @ 13.5% Wine Bar. Hamden, Baltimore

February's art show! I hope to see you on Tuesday, February 8th for the opening of "If Walls Could Talk"

Shots from the Yellow Dog Tavern opening

Had a great turnout to my "Get Dirty" art show opening at Yellow Dog Tavern yesterday! Thanks to everyone who came out and supported me! Was so great to see so many friends I haven't seen in forever and to meet so many new people too! I had a blast with everyone! I didn't get to take as many pictures as I wanted to at the show of everyone, but here are a few shots from the show. If you didn't make it out to the show, it will be up until March, so go check it out before then!

Thanks for the support! I wish I would have thought to take this when everyone was there...but so many people were in and out it was impossible to get everyone! 
Loved the table display :)

Upstairs at Yellow Dog. 

end of the night

Jan 23rd - Photo of the Day

Hiking with the pups
Skipper leading the way
Playing with his shadow :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Get Dirty" Art Show Reminder!!!


Jan 19th Photo of the day

 Peace Graffiti 

If you know anything about me, you probably know that I love peace signs! The whole hippie culture too. I've actually been contemplating for a while now about having dreads. I think I could pull them off. Ha! Maybe... one day. Sorry totally rambling. So anyway, of course anytime I see a peace sign, I find a way to photograph it.  Again, on one of my many hiking adventures, came across this railroad track and decided to hike through this tunnel. Tons of graffiti art inside and as soon as you walk in, there is this massive peace sign that I couldn't resist! Enjoy... PEACE! 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Jan 17th- Photo of Day

Sweetwater on another hiking adventure :)
Aww... she looks so happy 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jan 16th- photo of the day

Was awesome to see so many people out this weekend hiking & biking the snow covered trails. We even saw some climbers way up in the air climbing this tree like it was a jungle gym. It was wild. There were about 5 of them up there! So...we were dog sitting our friends dog this weekend and we are confident this pup will soon become just as much of a wood dog as our Aussie is. He's already pretty awesome out there, but we soon found out that he does not like mountain bikers. Got a bit spooked, poor guy. Ah..he'll learn to get used to them. Anyway, I was able to snap this shot early in the hike, before Ollie got spooked and I had to literally sprint up the trail after him. Ha! It's okay... he's just a baby.  I love how he totally looks like a fox in this image.

Ollie learning to be a trail dog

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jan 15-Photo of the day

Talking to a good friend of mine this morning and guess where she is... yup the Keys! I'm jealous! So, of course now all I can think about is warm sunshine, the beach, and craving some water to paddle around in. I would be good with a sunset boat ride & cocktail later too. Anyway... enough dreaming. I shot this when I was living down in Florida for while. Enjoy the view...

The beach, kiteboarding & fresh squeezed  lemonade... doesn't get much better than that.
Ft. Myers Beach, FL. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sarah McLachlan Concert, D.C.

Law's of Illusion Tour- Sarah McLachlan & Friends
featuring Butterfly Boucher & Melissa McClelland
The start to something fabulous. 
Sarah McLachlan

Butterfly Boucher
Melissa McClelland & Sarah McLachlan

Sarah jammin' out!  

The end.

-shot with a Canon SX210